
Creeping up on 6 months next week! Getting so busy, almost completely on formula now, you can almost always get him to smile at you, loves going to everyone, has been a pooping machine lately, loves his activity center, still not quite fitting into the high chair or Bumbo but with blankets we make it work some days, still swaddling in the snoo bc quite frankly his sleeping went from amazing to horrible when I tried to wean him off being swaddled, he can sleep through basically anything with his white noise machine which I also like to think helps make him such a good sleeper, wants to grab everything that’s in front of him, drools like crazy, still spitting up a bit sometimes more than others, gives the sweetest kisses and giggles and he still gets fought over by the girls! Starting to hold your own bottle pretty good. The sweetest little soul. Can sit only if leaned up against something or else will tip over.. looks like you want to start crawling but dont go anywhere yet haha loves